Tips For Developing Better Customer Service

One of the best kept secrets to success in the storage industry is the important role customer support plays in creating and retaining clients. Sure, it is important you do all the other things like having a clean variety units, putting up proper security features, creating easy access, and so on. But everything you do in making sure your storage services are above the competition will be for naught if people feel more comfortable doing business elsewhere.

Luckily, whether you’re managing your own facility or working with a team, this is something you have a direct influence on. Here are 5 tips that we think create outstanding customer service:

Answering the Phone

When duty calls, you have to be there to answer. Did you know that 1 out of every 3 calls to a storage facility are missed? Answering the phone is a big part of creating new clients, but also keeping your current tenants happy.

Meeting the Tenant at the Facility

When you meet somebody at your facility it does several things. First, it establishes you as the face of your company. This is a great way to show a personal touch for your facility. You can help answer questions, get to know your tenant, and give them a sense of assurance that they are storing their stuff at a place they can trust.

Value the Customer’s Needs

Remember, it is the customer’s needs that are paying your bills. Therefore, it is part of your responsibility to take care of those needs and make them a priority in what you do. When people know that you are looking out for them it will increase the chances that they will stay with you longer. On top of that, these are the kind of tenants that would be more likely to refer you to others.

Provide Amenities

Part of great customer service is making the tenants feel good. Nothing does that quite like a cold soda or bag of chips. It is something small that goes a long way into winning your customers confidence. Consider having free snacks of some sort (popcorn, soda, candy-bars, etc.) Or at the very least, have water available at the main office for your tenants.

Go the Extra Mile

So often, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. You’ll find when you go the extra mile for your tenants and pay special attention to the smaller details, they will love you for it. This is an industry where that kind of customer service gets overlooked, but it’s probably the most crucial aspect in building and maintaining a good reputation.

Whether your facility is small or large, customer support can become a profound snowball effect in both negative and positive ways. It is something simple that will make a huge difference for your business. But probably the greatest side-effect of customer service is that you will be happier helping others be happy. And that is the best way to do business.